DICOM Routers

DICOM Routers

  • Automate Workflow

    LAMB Tech integrates its PACS with any Emergency Room EHR systems to save time, reduce errors and improve care.

  • Save Money

    Consult with LAMB Tech and we guarantee we will help you save money in planning, implementing and supporting your your mission critical PACS and related systems.

  • 24 x 7 "One-Call" Support

    LAMB Tech is available 24 x 7 to address any breakdown in radiology workflow from the time a patient arrives, regardless of what system may be implicated.

Compare Our Solutions

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A table comparing the facets of 6 products
Teleradiology PACS
mini PACS
DICOM Router
Patient Registration
Patient Registration Yes Limited Limited Limited Limited No
Radiology Scheduling
Radiology Scheduling Yes No No No No No
Order Management
Order Management Yes Yes Limited Limited Limited No
CPT, ICD-10 and RVU Coding
CPT, ICD-10 and RVU Coding Yes Yes Yes Limited Limited No
Charge Posting
Charge Posting Yes Yes Yes No No No
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence Yes Yes Yes No No No
Electronic Document Creation
Electronic Document Creation Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Electronic Document Management
Electronic Document Management Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Diagnostic Report Templates
Diagnostic Report Templates Yes Yes Yes Limited Yes No
Custom Study Statuses
Custom Study Statuses Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Study Data QC
Study Data QC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Image Viewing & Manipulation Tools
Image Viewing & Manipulation Tools Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Report Distribution
Report Distribution Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Referring Physicians Portal
Referring Physicians Portal Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Mobile Device Portal
Mobile Device Portal Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Web Based
Web Based Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Workflow Automation
Workflow Automation Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
DICOM Storage Provider
DICOM Storage Provider Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
DICOM Auto Routing
DICOM Auto Routing Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
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  • Ramsoft

    gateway™ Router

    • DICOM Auto routing
    • Local or cloud-based storage for expandable, georedundant storage
    • Workflow Automation
    • Smart pre-fetching
    • Multithreading

    More Info

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