DICOM Modality Worklist Server

LAMB Tech integrates DICOM Utility Software, Server Hardware and a FHIR or HL7 integration with a system that generates Imaging Orders like an EHR/EMR.  Order information is converted to DICOM and made available to the modality electronically. Manual entry of Patient and Procedure information into the imaging modality by the Imaging Technologist is no longer required which improves their efficiency and eliminates data entry errors. 

  • Automate Workflow

    LAMB Tech integrates its PACS with any Emergency Room EHR systems to save time, reduce errors and improve care.

  • Save Money

    Consult with LAMB Tech and we guarantee we will help you save money in planning, implementing and supporting your your mission critical PACS and related systems.

  • 24 x 7 "One-Call" Support

    LAMB Tech is available 24 x 7 to address any breakdown in radiology workflow from the time a patient arrives, regardless of what system may be implicated.

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  • Ramsoft

    powerserver™ Worklist Server System

    • Ensures Accurate Patient and Study Data
    • HL7 and FHIR Enabled
    • Allows images to be archived on PC or Server
    • Communicates via DICOM

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