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Introducing ePrescribe™ Deluxe

Allscripts ePrescribe introduces ePrescribe Deluxe-with all the features of ePrescribe and even more

  1. Medicare Incentive Reporting that details your estimated MIPPA ePrescribing incentives.
  2. Anywhere, Anytime ePrescribing directly from your iPhone or mobile device.
  3. Comprehensive Drug Library provides One-click access to best drug reference library on the market.
  4. Dedicated Support with Toll-free phone support during EST business hours to answer your questions.
  5. On-Demand Print Center with One-click convenience for printing prescriptions (i.e., DEA)-plus the ability to print up to 4 prescriptions at once on a single sheet of paper.
  6. Training and Integration with a 10 percent discount on live training sessions and practice management system interfaces.


1. What is the DEA Ruling for electronic prescriptions?
The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) recently released an Interim Final Rule (IFR) that defines criteria for the electronic prescribing of controlled substances. This rule was approved by congress on June 1, 2010.

2. What does ePrescribe allow me to do?
Based on Allscripts' award winning EMR technology, ePrescribe enables physicians to improve patient care by helping to ensure the safety of every prescription written. ePrescribe can perform the following processes:

  1. Patient prior adverse reaction checks
  2. Duplicate therapy checks
  3. Dosage checks
  4. Drug to drug interaction checks
  5. Formulary compliance checks
  6. Generic equivalent availability
  7. Electronic transmission to pharmacy

3. What are some benefits to using ePrescribe?
The key benefit to physicians and patients alike is improved safety. In addition, physicians will save their organization time in prescribing documentation, transmission, filing, billing, and numerous telephone conversations. Regarding lost, illegible, and non-formulary compliant prescriptions with the pharmacy. System Benefits:

  1. Improves patient safety with automatic drug interaction checking, dosage checks, adverse reaction checks, and duplicate therapy checks
  2. Provides access to patient medication history where and when you need it most even from home
  3. Reduces pharmacy phone calls
  4. Simplifies the prescription renewal process
  5. Provides formulary status on medications